SHPE SD Welcomes New Members to the Leadership Team

It is our pleasure to announce Cynthia Hoffman as SHPE SD’s new Secretary and Veronica Alcantara as our new SHPE Jr. Program Committee Chair.

  • Cynthia joins us from Caltrans and will be leading the Membership committee, helping to keep the leadership team organized and running as effective as possible.
  • Veronica joins us from Solar Turbines and will be creating a strategy and model to help us expand our SHPE Jr. Chapter program (currently one chapter at Academy of Our Lady of Peace) to many more schools moving forward.

SHPE San Diego Leadership Opportunities

Although we’ve filled two vacant positions on our leadership team there are still committees that need help! Read on to see which committee interests you.

Public Relations Committee

  • Webmaster/IT position – Maintain the website by applying updates, adding features, and managing access accounts.  IT related task correspond to managing domain email accounts, internal web site, and provide advice to student chapters regarding their websites.
  • Social Media positions – Manage one or all of our Social Media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube).  Post messages, job opportunities, follow up on messages sent to these accounts. Post article to web sites.
  • Historian positions – Take photos and videos at events, upload them to website and social media accounts.
  • Communications positions – Like the newsletter? Help spread out the load of writing it and help us send out messages more often and have them proof read. Like making logos and editing pictures and videos? Know how to write press releases? Join us!
  • Contact Victor Guzman at [email protected] if you are interested in joining this committee.

Membership Committee

  • Help manage contact lists of committees, professional members and friends.
  • Help establish and maintain a membership drive throughout the year.
  • Contact Cynthia Hoffman at [email protected] if you are interested in joining this committee.

Professional Development and Education Committee

  • Help plan and execute STEM Outreach events, professional networking events, and professionals development events.  Examples include industry tours, social mixers, etc.
  • This is the kind of committee you could join for just one event per year.
  • Contact Francisco Jazo at [email protected] if you are interested in joining this committee.

Campus Professionals Committee

  • Campus Professional positions – Be the liaison between the professional chapter and the college chapter. The CP serves as a mentor to the college chapter leadership and members.
  • Contact Luke Burgan at [email protected] if you are interested in joining this committee.

SHPE Jr. Chapter Program Committee

  • Contribute to the planning of the program and contribute to the SHPE Jr. Chapter meetings and events.
  • Contact Veronica Alcantara at [email protected] if you are interested in joining this committee.

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