Welcome Past, Present, and Future SHPE Professionals

SHPE San Diego offers exclusive services and workshops to our members ranging from networking events, community outreach activities, to professional and career development. Registered members receive priority registration and discounts to SHPE San Diego events requiring registration fees.

Interested in Joining SHPE San Diego?

You can register and pay or renew for membership online at SHPE National’s SHPEConnect Portal. Follow this guide to register: SHPEConnectMembership-Join or Renew Process. Remember to select “San Diego” in Region 2 for your chapter affiliation!!! There are no additional fees to become a member of the SHPE San Diego Professional Chapter.  If you are a college student, please speak with your school’s SHPE chapter Membership chairperson.

When you have completed your application and/or renewed your membership, please send an email to [email protected] to be added to our registered member email distribution list for exclusive offers and announcements.

Membership Types

SHPE has a Membership that is RIGHT for you!

Current Students

Undergraduate membership is open to all college and university students studying science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

Graduate Students:

Graduate membership is open to all graduate and doctorate students, obtaining MBAs, studying science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Graduate students have the option to join SHPE either with a Student, Professional Chapter or Region-At-Large chapter.

Recent Graduates (Complimentary)

For persons who qualify for regular membership and have graduated less than six (6) months ago. This person will receive a one year free membership and is entitled to all mentioned above.

Regular/Professional Member ($65.00)

A Regular/Professional member shall be a person who at a minimum holds an engineer-in-training certificate or a bachelor’s degree in any discipline of engineering, engineering technology, mathematics, physical science or a mathematically based science field. Six years of experience as an engineer or in a mathematically based science field or engineering educator may be substituted for the bachelor’s degree. Regular/Professional members shall be entitled to cast one vote in elections of officers and all business that the Board of Directors refers to the membership. Regular/Professional members may hold a Board position.

Associate Members ($55.00)

An associate member shall be a person who believes and supports the purpose of this corporation. He/she shall not be entitled to nominate, vote nor hold a position in the Board. Associated members shall be extended all privileges of a Regular/Professional member less those exempted above.

Lifetime Regular/Professional Member ($1,000.00)

A Lifetime Professional member shall be a person who at a minimum holds an engineer-in-training certificate or a bachelor’s degree in any discipline of engineering, engineering technology, mathematics, physical science or a mathematically based science or technical field. Six years of experience as an engineer or in a mathematically based science or technical field or engineering educator may be substituted for the bachelor’s degree. Membership dues for lifetime members will be waived in perpetuity.

Lifetime Associate Member ($800.00)

A Lifetime Associate member does not qualify for Lifetime Professional status but supports and encourages the members, purpose, and mission of SHPE. Membership dues for lifetime members will be waived in perpetuity.

SWE Joint Membership ($110 +$20 fee for new applicants)

Joint membership with SWE further promotes an inclusive environment with SHPE and SWE. The goals of this important partnership program are to improve networking opportunities and expand professional development programs for Hispanic women engineers.  This is a discounted rate available for those who wish to join both organizations.  For more information please visit the SWE Membership website.

These details are pulled from the SHPE National website, and available here as reference.