
SHPE changes lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) awareness, access, support and development.

SHPE San Diego, a leading Latino non-profit organization, is brought together by heritage, social responsibility and desire to improve the equality of all people through the enhancement of Latinos in science, engineering, mathematics and other technical professions in the San Diego area. We strive to fulfill our mission by increasing educational opportunities, promoting professional and personal growth, and improving economic opportunity.


SHPE’s vision is a world where Hispanics are highly valued and influential as the leading innovators, scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

Chapter Bylaws

SHPE San Diego’s chapter bylaws are available here.

Goals for 2023-2024

  1. Increase the number of Hispanics entering and graduating from STEM degree programs
    1. Host STEM Awareness events in the community
    2. Partner with strategic San Diego organizations to promote STEM in the community
    3. Award at least $20,000 in scholarships to college and college bound high school students through our scholarship program at our Annual Scholarships & Awards Banquet.
  2. Increase SHPE’s network of professional members who are influential in impacting and advancing the STEM fields
    1. Increase registered professional membership by 5% year over year
    2. Host 2 Professional Development Seminars yearly
    3. Host 2 Career Development events yearly
    4. Host 1 leadership development event yearly
    5. Host multiple networking events where professional and student chapter members can interact, share career advice, create informal mentorship relationships, and register as members
  3. Collaborate with Corporate, Government, and Academic partners to increase their employee Hispanic population in order to mirror US population demographics
    1. Raise $35,000 in funds for SHPE San Diego’s Scholarship, STEM Outreach, and Professional Development programs.
    2. Continue to recruit new corporate sponsors and new private donors to help fund our scholarship and operational costs.
  4. Increase SHPE’s impact and reach in San Diego through the use of social media and collaboration with various Hispanic community organizations in the promotion of STEM fields and SHPE San Diego’s Activities
    1. Collaborate with non-engineering organizations from the Hispanic community
    2. Release newsletters highlighting SHPE San Diego’s activity for the period
    3. Use our website’s blog and our social media accounts to publicize each of our events two to four weeks in advance